“While Localscope with 5 key integrated services can be now be used for free by anyone in the world with an iOS device, the Localscope Premium paid subscription provides a broader set of local information from a continuously increasing portfolio of integrations with diverse services.”

We have decided to make Localscope free as we feel a strong urge to bring this value to every iPhone user in the world and not just the ones who pay us before they experience it.” said Apurva Roy Choudhury, CEO Cynapse. “Two years and 22 versions after its initial release, we and many of our users think that local discovery using Localscope has evolved to become one of the best things that one can do using the iPhone. Localscope Premium is available as an in-app purchase at an annual price of US$1.99 or equivalent in other currencies. Localscope premium also provides integration with a large number of paid navigation apps such as Tom Tom, Navigon and others for turn by turn directions. The new Localscope Premium provides all additional services from the ever growing list of integrations with diverse geo-information and social media services including Foursquare, Instagram, Wikipedia and more. The entire Localscope experience is now available to consume geo-tagged information from 5 key services: Google, Facebook Places, Panoramio, YouTube and the Reminders app for free.

Localscope’s unmatched location discovery experience lets users browse local information from diverse services in an amazingly intuitive list view with realtime direction pointers and distance meters, lay them out on the map, or look through the state of the art augmented reality view to spot the results in the real world. Mumbai, India – On the second anniversary of Localscope, Cynapse makes Localscope a free download on the App Store.