At the end of the tour, take a photo with the spirits in the. Take a lantern-lit tour through the old Mill Hill graveyard! Hear chilling tales based on real events from Norwalk’s hidden past ! Among the crooked gravestones of Mill Hill, ghostly entities are waiting to share their true stories of death, murder, insanity and destruction.

It is an evil and wicked night, a perfect night for a witch to celebrate New Years (emphasis added) Winter Solstice (December 21st) Also known as Yule. He roams the world looking for lost souls. He is known for his unique mix of Latin, Commercial and House music. In much of Europe and most of North America, observance of Halloween is.

The celebration marks the day before the Western Christian feast of All Saints and initiates the season of Allhallowtide, which lasts three days and concludes with All Souls’ Day. As the sun sets, the spirits come out to play. Samhain, the Lord of Darkness, rises from the underworld. The third day will feature DJ and producer from the Netherlands, Renato S. Second only to Mardi Gras for its dazzling display of fun and finery, Halloween in New Orleans draws thousands to the Quarter for devilish fun while vampires, zombies, ghosts, goblins and everything else parade up and down Frenchmen Street displaying the city’s legendary wit and creativity in their carefully crafted costumes. Halloween, contraction of All Hallows’ Eve, a holiday observed on October 31, the evening before All Saints’ (or All Hallows’) Day.